
original edition

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original edition为短语/超纲词汇
1. Well, she came with the same cargo she had on leaving James Fort, Gambia River, except that her original 140 slaves had become 98.

2. Would a cloned human be identical to the original?

3. The painting has been authenticated as an original.

4. This kind of original painting is hard to procure.

5. The original garbage crisis occurred when people first settled down to farm and could no longer leave their places after their garbage grew too deep.

6. There's the fear, for instance, that parents might clone a child for the sake of having "surplus parts" in case the original child needs an organ transplant.

7. This man examined its contents, then said: "I understand there is a two-volume edition of this work."

8. The sales manager, who was quick-witted, replied: "My company cannot afford a two-volume edition, sir, but we could offer you a copy with a preface!"

9. The same map, in combination with ancient human bones, confirms that Africa was the birthplace of humanity and thus the starting point of the original human movements.

10. There may be no less original idea than the notion that our hearts have authority over our heads.
